Tuesday, 19 March 2013


Hello again I know that it was only yesterday that I posted my previous blog. But EXCITING NEWS! although the paperback version of my book PUTTING RIGHT THE PAST isn't released until April 1st. The Kindle version of  PUTTING RIGHT THE PAST is now released and available for download right now on AMAZON at £1.99. Which means I have to post my final blog about writing my book sooner than expected, so here it is I hope you like it.

Two months after giving up and dumping my book in the drawer I was persuaded by friend's, family and author Amanda Egan not to give up and get it sorted out. A very special friend of mine Samantha Grainger helped me put right all the editors corrections, then with a little bit of rewriting of a couple of chapters off it went back to Troubador again (for the last time hopefully.)

The next big project was the book cover and I had great fun sorting that out, I knew exactly what I wanted and I couldn't be more pleased with the result. Ninety percent of the story is set around the complex in Tenerife where Carole lives, she spends so much of her time by the pool listening to her neighbours problems, so the cover just had to be of a swimming pool. I hope you like the final choice as much as I do.

Then the final task was the proof reading, with the help of Troubador and a very good proofreader that was all sorted, well that's what I thought, wrong again! It was very exciting the day my final manuscript arrived in the post. All my work, my writing, all my words were there on those pages, just as I had always dreamt they would be one day. I just couldn't believe it was all actually happening. So I made myself a strong black coffee and I was ready to read my book. After reading a few pages however I began to realise that we were not quite there yet, this still wasn't the final stage after all. Parts of the story just didn't match up dates, ages of some characters, locations I could go on but I won't. I now realise these issues should have been rectified way before it ever went to a publishers. I will never let this happen again next time I will read it over and over again, double checking, no triple checking everything.

So here we go again, I read the whole thing yet again, then passed it on to a good friend who did the same.  Hopefully together we have come up with the finished product, I think I am about eighty-five per-cent happy with it all. Something tells me I will never be one hundred per-cent happy, there will always be something I would want to change.

Now what have I learnt? Well one things for sure the writing and publishing of a book isn't a straight forward business, well not for me anyway. But my god I've learnt so much in the process and the great thing is all that I have learnt I've already been able to put into practise when writing my next book. The working title is 'FROM LONDON TO NEW YORK' but that will definitely change.

So that's the full story so far, in these five blogs I've told you how the book got started through to getting it published. I can't tell you about the last part yet which will be finally having the finished printed paperback in my hand. I can't wait for that day to come, it will be an amazing feeling and I can't wait to share this with you all in a later blog.


  1. All I can say. is "Congratulations!!" Looking forward to reading your book. (Gosh, that must feel good to hear someone say that!) Thanks for sharing your journey, it's an inspiration for those of us still struggling.

    1. Thank you so much again Amanda, I was worried about blogging the story of my book but am so glad I have. So it's out there now for the world to see, yesterday was such a lovely day people were so kind and encouraging. x

  2. Huge congratulations, Ian. Thank you for sharing your experience, it's encouraging for those of us still aspiring. The best of luck :-)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you Claire, if I can do it anyone can and the thing I have learned the most from the whole experiance is to get an independent editor thats when the book started to feel like a real book. So my dear get stuck in and get a book out there, thanks again and all the very best x

  3. wow ian where did that come from? a glass of red always goes down better with a good book and last nights glass tasted mighty fine, first 6 chapters down, can't wait to get back from work to continue my journey, you got chick lit off to a fine art xxxxx

    1. Thank you so much Jackie and the answer to your question is I don't know where it came from. The whole experiance has been good just to get on the laptop and escape to someone else's world has been the thing that's kept me going these last few years.Thank you again and I hope you enjoy the rest of the book x

  4. Hi Ian, good luck with the novel. It really is a great time for every writer. I'll look forward to your updates.
