Monday, 18 March 2013


At last my book was finished it had taken a couple of years on and off to get to this final stage, or that's what I thought. Well I printed it off and put it into a lovely A4 file, at this point I was the only one who knew the full story because I hadn't let anyone else read it.

My partner and family were aware I'd been writing the book but I wasn't going to force anyone to read it, at this stage it had only been for my own benefit, a kind of sense of achievement, a project that had kept my mind off other things. It was left lying around on a coffee table for anyone who wanted to read it, it was up to them.

It was several weeks before my partner eventually picked it up to read, I've since found out that he was really afraid to read it in case it was a load of rubbish, he just didn't want to have to lie to me if it was. He knew I would be able to tell if he was lying. One day I came home from work and he was reading it, by the end of that evening he had finished it. His reaction wasn't quite what I was expecting, utter disbelief  is what springs to mind, his exact words were ....

      'It reads like a real book, a proper story, where did it all come from and how could you think something up like that'

He just couldn't stop smiling, that was really encouraging, I was pleased he'd enjoyed it but that's when he started on about me getting it published. We decided there and then we would give it a shot, but first there were a lot of spelling mistakes and grammer that needed correcting, plus a little help with some of the plot lines that needed tweaking. Over the next few weeks we both got stuck into it together.

I then researched different agents on the internet, I looked at who represented my favorite authors, and drew up a short list.  It kept coming back to the same name, so that was that off it went in the post. Oh and by the way I've  forgotten to mention I aimed high I'd only gone and sent it to Lizzy Kremer, the Lizzy Kremer of David Higham Associates, just google her and look at the great authors she represents and you'll understand why I chose her.

I suppose you can guess what happened next, I had a letter back saying no thanks, a very nice letter I might add. We all have dreams and one of mine would still be to have her as my agent (but that's never going to happen)

Another couple of agents and nice no thanks letters later I gave up, PUTTING RIGHT THE PAST was put away in a drawer and I started another project. Well three actually but none of them made it past ten thousand words. I just didn't like the characters or the plots. As for PUTTING RIGHT THE PAST it was destined to stay at the back of the drawer, until one day a friend suggested self publishing and as you all know thats exactly what I've done.

The company I've chosen to publish with is Troubador Publishing, they have been great especially the very patient Amy Cooke. She has been so helpful and has guided me through the whole process. We have had a few scary moments though the scariest of which was when it came back from it's first edit.

My god I've never seen so much red ink in my life, there were so many corrections needed, I couldn't believe it. I just freaked I felt I'd failed, who did I think I was, what an idiot just because I had time on my hands it didn't mean I was a writer. PUTTING RIGHT THE PAST was thrown back into the drawer and that was it, I'd given up no more writing for me, back to just reading books, I was good at that my dream was over (or was it?)

Well as you know it didn't stay there, next time I will tell you what happened when it next saw the light of day and escaped from the drawer again, thats when the hard work really started.


  1. A tale all writers can relate to - the 'hissy fit, drawer chucking' especially!
    Having an agent isn't the be all and end all - I had one for two years and never earned a penny. Now the pennies I DO earn go straight to my pocket :) x

    1. Thank you Amanda and you more than anyone knows how many times I chucked it in the drawer, not long to go now x

  2. A great post. It's really interesting to hear your writing journey. And, as Amanda says, it's a story so many writers can relate to. I almost gave up on my writing dream because I let the rejections from agents and publishers get to me, but since I started self-publishing I haven't looked back. Keep writing! And I look forward to continuing to follow your journey. :) x

    1. Thank you Michelle I have not got that far to go now with this one, it will soon be out there for the world to see x

  3. Looking forward to hearing about the next part of your journey, Ian. Well done and I wish you every success with Putting Right the Past. :-)

    1. Thank you again Elle for being so encouraging only one more blog to go then the book is out. By the way the next one will be this week x

  4. A great post, reaffirming that my own worries are quite normal. I look forward to reading the next , Ian :-)

  5. Oh don't worry just go for it, I know my situation is a little diferent to most but everything is for a reason and this was mine. Thank you for taking an interest.

  6. There's nothing so nice as seeing or hearing from someone who has enjoyed your novel but the polar opposite has to be the first time you get your edits back - been there! However, it's worth it all in the end.

    Wishing you every success with Putting Right The Past.


    1. Thank you again Sue you and the fab ladies at The Romaniacs have been so kind and encourageing x

  7. I am mid way through my first novel, and it's so interesting hearing your story. Lovely to follow your journey, and looking forward to the finished product : )

    1. Thank you again Amanda, the book was a real journey and i think this little blog over the last few weeks has turned into a little road trip. I have really enjoyed the blogs and in a few weeks will start blogging about life outside my book, I think there is a real world out there, thanks again xx
