Monday, 11 March 2013


First of all I would like to thank everyone for the lovely comments about my last blog and my visit to The Romaniacs for Tuesday Chit-Chat.

So in the last blog I told you where I wanted my story to be set, I actually started writing about Rosa and Augusto the two people that gave me the idea for PUTTING RIGHT THE PAST. However after a couple of pages I'm afraid they were deleted, erased never to appear again. As they disappeared so did Mainland Spain and I moved my little story to the island of Tenerife.

The main character in the book is Carole Harding and I must say I love her; first and foremost I would love to be her friend, she's such a good, honest, lovely woman, but where did she come from? I can honestly say Carole just appeared on the page one day, other characters were going to have more to do in the story, but the more I wrote about her the more I realised it had to be her story. The idea of everyone on the complex having secrets which needed to be sorted out sprang to mind, Carole seemed just perfect for the job.Then that's when my imagination went into overdrive, my partner still asks me where it all came from? I always say who knows!

I find it so easy writing for the characters that I like, I found Nadean, Felicity and Victoria's lives a joy to write, as for Jeremy the evil person in the book oh I so wanted him to get his comeuppance. But I felt Carole also had to have something in her past that no one knew and that is where the inheritance came into the story. I think my favourite bits to write were the two parties and Carole's transformation.

One of the other things I need to do when writing is I have to know what each character looks like before I start, they could have a face of an actor or someone who serves me in a supermarket, it doesn't really matter as long as I know what they look like. I'm not sure if this is normal but it works for me, one day I will blog about this and who I think Carole looks like, she actually has the face of a British actress, well in my head anyway, but you'll all have you're own ideas of course.

Well that's about it for now, on the next blog I will tell you what happened when I finished writing the book, also how I started to learn all about the world of publishing, not forgetting the day I saw my book cover for the first time. I hope you have a good day.


  1. Great post, Ian! Always interesting to see where characters come from and how they develop. I usually find pictures in a magazine, cut them out, and have a 'pinboard' for my charaacters. It will be interesting to see what others say...

    1. Thank you again Carol for going to the trouble of commenting, writing your name reminded me of Carole in my book she has a big thing about the letter E on the end of her name.

      I think your idea of cutting people out of a magazine is good because that way all you have is the look. x

  2. It's so lovely to see you and your book opening up to us all like a little flower ;)
    Off to Retweet this blog - we need to get the word spreading for your launch :) xx

    1. Thank you again Amanda, just three more blogs before the book is out there for people to buy and the scary bit, people commenting on it. X

  3. Sounds very interesting! Looking forward to hearing how your book developed : )

    1. Thank you Amanda just three more blogs to go before the book is released.
      Then I will start blogging about all sorts of things. X

  4. It's great when you really connect with a character, it's like they become your best friend and although you know them, they seem to take on a life of their own.

    Great post again, Ian.

  5. I know it's so strange, sometimes when i'm writing I feel I cant't keep up with the character. Thank you again Sue for all your encoragement x
